It is always a great experience when service providers and customers come together to share knowledge, understand each other’s requirements and capabilities, all this while enjoying great food and drinks. Accelerated Assemblies, Inc. and its sister organization Twisted Traces, are organizing an open house to customers and interested parties. The event will be taking place on Thursday, September 29th, 2016, from 12 to 6 pm. It will be held at the organization’s campus located at 725 Nicholas Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, IL.
This is the third annual open house organized by Accelerated Assemblies & Twisted Traces. The open house is a great event where Accelerated Assemblies and Twisted Traces employees and business partners can socialize with existing and potential customers. They provide all the information customers and guests will need to help strengthen their association with the two organizations.
What’s in Store for Guests and Customers?
The immense success that Accelerated Assemblies has amassed over the years has helped them to increase their PCB assembly capabilities. Their facility boasts of the latest in advanced machinery. Guests at the open house event will have the opportunity to get a firsthand look at the following:
- End-to-end tour of the facility
- A look at the entire PCB assembly manufacturing process
- Preview the different types of software and equipment used by the Accelerated Assemblies team
Guests will be able to see the benefits of Accelerated Assemblies’ processes, including:
- Prototyping
- Component placement
- Quality testing and inspection
- Consignment and turnkey assembly production
The event will be interactive, informative, and fun as well. Guests will be treated to a myriad of food and drinks, which they can enjoy in the beautiful campus setting. Customers will have the opportunity to converse with the Accelerated Assemblies team, and enhance their respective relationships.
The annual open house is not just a gathering, it is an opportunity for to grow the Accelerated Assemblies and Twisted Traces families, and provide excellent PCB assembly solutions, which will lead to greater success in the future.